Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Congratulations to our Winner!

Thank you to all for the retweets about our CBAP v2.0 Study Guide yesterday (6/30). We randomly chose a winner this morning, and @7thpixel (also known as David) has won the $50 MasterCard gift card!

If you haven't ordered your copy of The Complete CBAP v2.0 Study Guide yet, take a few minutes to do so now. The study guide is just $99.95 and well worth it.

Follow us on Twitter and keep checking the blog regularly for more free giveaways from ASPE. Next week we will be giving away a great resource for any Agile professional so if you aren't following us on Twitter already, now is a great time to start!

1 comment:

Allvira said...

oohhh !!!! Its very bad for me. I have missed that contest. Inform me if you are going to organize it again.
Allvira scam