Tuesday, July 7, 2009
More ASPE Giveaways on Twitter
All day today (7/7) you have a chance to win Project Poker Cards from ASPE. Entering to win is easy – follow @ASPE_SDLC and retweet the message below between 8am and 5pm EST today and we will randomly select one winner.
Now that you know how to enter and win – start spreading the word.
rt@ASPE_SDLC: Giving away set of Project Poker Cards today. Follow us & RT for a chance to win.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Understanding the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®) Guide: Transition From 3rd to 4th Edition
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Congratulations to our Winner!
If you haven't ordered your copy of The Complete CBAP v2.0 Study Guide yet, take a few minutes to do so now. The study guide is just $99.95 and well worth it.
Follow us on Twitter and keep checking the blog regularly for more free giveaways from ASPE. Next week we will be giving away a great resource for any Agile professional so if you aren't following us on Twitter already, now is a great time to start!
Live Instructor Led Virtual Training – How does it compare to the Traditional Classroom?
Between security issues, administrative rights problems, bandwidth challenges, and VoIP concerns, virtual training proved to be a hurdle to knowledge instead of a bridge. The technology was not ready for the intended use. However, now the technology is an enablement - This is the major difference in Live Instructor Led Virtual Training in 2009 as compared to previous years.
The technology works. You get the same product whether live or virtual so what is slowing down the adoption of virtual training? The answer is trust.
Taken directly from the feedback we’ve received from customers and our advisory board, management does not trust that their employee is “actively” paying attention and learning in a virtual classroom. They believe this to a point that they value a virtual training class about half as much as a traditional classroom training program. We were very surprised to hear this feedback.
First we thought that in a live classroom there is just as much chance the employee is “zoning” out as in a virtual classroom - actually there is more of a chance. Virtual instructors are taught how to push interaction as a systematic practice in their training. They work harder at forcing interaction than a physically live instructor does. As a result, we hear feedback from instructors who say they get more student participation in virtual classes compared to the physical classes.
Also, we thought maybe the concern is interruptions - if participants are at their desk, there are more opportunities for interruption. Actually we have found that in today’s world there are fewer interruptions. With today’s technology, such as mobile data devices, employees now have the ability to take all aspects of the office virtually anywhere which leaves more concentration time in the office.
So if you have some time, take a look at Live Instructor Led Virtual Training. You will be very happily surprised at what you find.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
ASPE $50 Twitter Giveaway
rt @aspe_sdlc: Our #CBAP 2.0 Study Guide is just $99.95 http://is.gd/1j5x7. RT for chance at $50 Check Card
Monday, June 22, 2009
Agile Industry Watch: Update on Industry Trends and Impact on SDLC Management
Follow us on SlideShare or check back regularly for more presentation postings. We hope to get a few posted each week. You can find our presentations by going to www.slideshare.net and searching for ASPE_INC. And as always we would appreciate any feedback.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Agile Industry Watch: Agile Jobs Increasing while Titles Are Not
Friday, June 12, 2009
Limited Time Buy One, Get One from ASPE
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Incorrect Email Blast -- "2 New Free Educational Resources..."
Again we apologize for then error in the header of our email, but if you click on the link for the CBAP v2.0 Study Guide you will be directed to a page with more information about the Study Guide and how to purchase it through our website or by calling ASPE directly for the advertised price.
On a brighter note, our new E-Catalog is free and easy to use, so check it out if you haven't already.
We're sorry for all of the confusion and headache.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Your PMP Recertification: For PDU-sake or Real Education?
For me, these products revitalize the concern we see every couple of years about the value of PDUs, and whether it is being devalued by the training industry. Generally speaking 1 PDU equates to 1 hour of education. Putting a dollar amount to that is tough since there are so many different avenues to earn PDUs today, especially free PDUs (For a good list of ways to earn free PDUs visit http://www.pmi-sd.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=79. I have no affiliation with this chapter.)
I will be the first to admit that there has been some monetary depreciation of the PDU over the last few years, at least from a trainer’s perspective. PDUs went from something that made your project management courses stand out and gave you the opportunity to charge more. Today, offering PDUs with your training course are a must whether you are charging $199 for an online course or $4000 for a 4-day boot camp. But this monetary depreciation is good for us all. By broadening the number of trainers who can award PDUs with their courses, PMI has refocused the recertification, and the certification for that matter, on the education and not just the requirements. It is no longer about how quickly you can earn your 60 PDUs over the three-year period, but more about what you are learning over that time span.
Here at ASPE that is our position. We are not here just to help you regain your certification as quickly as possible, and earn our chunk of change while doing so. Instead, our goal is to help you grow and become better at what you do. PDUs or no PDUs…as trainers, by helping you become more successful at our job, we become more successful at ours.
Sure we offer 4-day boot camps that cost $2000+, but if you aren’t already aware, we also offer a free web seminar series that offers on average 2 free PDUs per month. Some months we will find the time to offer 4 project management related web seminars, and give away as many as 4 PDUs. Over 3 years you could earn all the necessary PDUs for recertification for free. And you can rest assured that our web seminars are not product pitches. Our web seminars are about education, not marketing. We pick specific, hot, and important topics to cover in detail. We assume the audience has the background and skill to attend. We want you to walk away with actual knowledge, not just a snippet of knowledge and how our product can help you do it.
So, since training budgets are especially tight now, as you work towards your recertification keep in mind all of the free means to earn PDUs whether it is with us or not. Remember the vast amount of knowledge you gained while working towards your PMP certification, and the sense of pride you got when you learned you passed. Use your recertification period to really update your project management knowledge, especially with the new PMBOK 4th edition release and things like Agile and SharePoint starting to change the project management landscape. Don’t just pay for PDUs; pay for an education because when you really strip it all down you can earn all your PDUs pretty painlessly for free.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Skills, knowledge, and tools SDLC professionals need to watch as the second half of 2009 approaches
A SharePoint Workflow Primer
If you are using this tool now check out ASPE-IT’s SharePoint curriculum for a better understanding of the power of this incredible tool.
Catch the WAVE: What is WAVE? Well you just have to check out the below link and get a first look. Let’s just say, SharePoint will have a run for its money in 2010.
Google Wave Preview
Managing Virtual teams and Running with Virtual Meetings: Software development, help desk, and customer service positions continue to flow out of organizations and into onshore and offshore service providers. Managing remote teams and dealing with virtual project management is a difficult skill that combines learning, experience and natural ability. Check out this white paper to get helpful tips and techniques to successfully handle virtual management.
Managing Virtual Teams
Sourcing and Managing Outsourced Vendors: It is one thing to manage the virtual team of doers. It is a completely different thing to find and manage the vendor. You have service level agreements, you have to monitor the financial viability of your partner, and you have to ebb and flow with changes in your partners organization. Here are two white papers detailing what you need to know to handle the myriad of changes when dealing with outsourcers.
Sourcing Vendors to provide Outsourced Services
Outsourcing in a Difficult Economy
Oslo Modeling Language: What is it? Well it is the replacement for UML. It is especially powerful in modeling Service Orientated systems. Take a look at this primer on Oslo.
"Oslo" Developer Center
Requirements Elicitation: Whether the Business Analyst, the Project Manager or the Developer is doing it, you must do requirements right. The skills of requirements elicitation continue to be a major “requirement” for large enterprise organizations. If you work in a software development group or if you are a business professional interfacing with business systems on a day-to-day basis, you need to understand what it means to elicit requirements. Grab this great assortment of tools, techniques, and templates dealing with all things associated with requirements elicitation.
Requirements Toolkit
Web 2.0: It is NOT about the technology of Web 2.0 -- that is the easy stuff. The real difficultly is understanding how to get business value out of Web 2.0 capabilities. Someone, somewhere will find the killer business application for Web 2.0 capabilities and you want to know enough about Web 2.0 to catch the “wave” of this app. The wave pun was intended because you will see it just might be that killer app.
A Web 2.0 Primer
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
IIBA Makes Online CBAP Application v2.0 Available
If you have started the application prior to June 1st using v1.6 you have until June 30th to complete it. By July 1st, v1.6 will no longer be available and any information will be lost.
Also, remember the CBAP® exam based on the BABOK® Guide v2.0 will launch on August 1st, 2009. If you are scheduled to take the exam up to and including July 31, 2009, you will be taking v1.6 of the exam and starting August 1, you will be taking v2.0 of the exam. To view more information about the changes, visit http://iiba.informz.ca/IIBA/archives/archive_35785.html
If you are preparing for the CBAP exam don’t forget to check out our CBAP Certification Prep Boot Camp that is currently tied to v1.6, but will transition to v2.0 on August 1st as well. We also have The Complete CBAP v2.0 Study Guide available, an invaluable resource with over 500 practice test questions and tips on studying and sitting for the exam.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
CBAP Prep Boot Camp in Atlanta. Just $900. You Save $1295.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Why the Scrum Master Certification Exam is a Positive Step Towards Credibility of the Scrum Master
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Marketing CBAP and the BABOK 2.0 to Employers
It has been difficult for me to find business leaders and IT leaders who know about either the IIBA or the CBAP certification. I hope the IIBA sees this as a concern and I that this is a major focus for them for the rest of 2009.
Marketing a certification to employers is tricky. You don’t want the employers to think you are certifying their staff so that those staff members ultimately ask for more money or they move on to “greener” pastures. At the same time you want employers to think about what they are missing if they don’t hire CBAP certified professionals, and how less effective their system will be if they don’t use consultants with CBAP credentials.
The first step in this process is the professionals should educate their leaders. The IIBA President is doing a great job of being available to any organization interested in hearing more about the IIBA and the Certification. Recently, she was in Raleigh-Durham speaking with executives at BCBS of NC. Professionals can take their manager to a local IIBA chapter meeting, have the Chapter President come speak at a lunch, or even learn at the office. Nothing in the world beats grass roots and internal marketing.
On the flip side the IIBA needs to hit the conference circuit and begin keynote and session presentations discussing why CBAPs provide value to a business. A good start at this would be for the IIBA to develop metrics that measure the impact of BA work on an organization.
No matter how great your product is, if no one knows about it or doesn’t understand its value, it is worthless. I am very hopeful a great product like the CBAP certification and the BABOK doesn’t become worthless.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
ASPE Free Offer
In one of our current White Papers, Mr. Durant discusses what he calls “retrosourcing”. Retrosourcing is the process of reversion control for outsource engagements. Jerry compares retrosourcing to the ejection seat on a plane flying at full speed. According to Mr. Durant, Retrosourcing is comprised of 6 stages including: Pre-Ejection, Ejection Alert, Ejection Sequence, Eject-Eject-Eject, Engage Recovery, Root-Cause-Analysis, and Return-to-Operations. These stages are discussed in detail and followed up with a section on how to apply retrosourcing. It is important for any size company to consider their position in the global market because social and economic factors are constantly changing and the decision to outsource may not always be the most efficient means of doing business. Retrosourcing is simply one measure to always leave the door-open to ever changing conditions in the outsourcing arena.
Jerry E. Durant is Chairman Emeritus/Founder of The International Institute for Outsource Management and Managing Director of Certellus Corporation. He has been actively involved in outsourcing since 1988 and serves as Sr. Technical Advisor to the Outsourcing Institute and The Beijing Association of Sourcing Services (BASS).
To learn more about Mr. Durant and to view the complete White Paper, visit www.aspe-sdlc.com/offers
Thursday, May 7, 2009
7 Trends in Project Management and Business Analysis to Watch for in 2009
The Complete CBAP v2.0 Study Guide Now for Sale
- Take a pre-assessment exam and score to determine your starting point.
- Proceed through the Knowledge Areas and Underlying Competencies of the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK® v2.0) introductions and practice questions specific to each area.
- Simulate the CBAP® Exam with 150 questions provided using the CBAP® blueprint (Knowledge Areas question weighting).
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Characteristics of a Successful Culture: Your Main Thing
Agile Culture: Where Should a Newbie Start?
There are a number of problems in life, one of the biggest problems is humans' crazy desire to make everything so darn confusing and over complicated. Ayn Rand was so right when she showed true genus tied to John Galt’s one-equation solution to static electricity. We are always trying to over complicate things to show our intelligence, when true genus is being able to take the complicated and make it simple.Joelle Godfrey's post does a fantastic job of showing the very basic concepts of Agile for a beginner. Agile, in its purest form is one of those KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) solutions of true genus, but as with anything over the years it has gotten more and more complicated. Godfrey likens Agile and the different “flavors” of Agile to a nation and different districts. I liken Agile to an open source methodology and the different flavors as productized variants of the methodology. Much like Linux is the base open source Unix operating system and Red Hat and Suse Linux are different productized variants.A basic understanding of Agile as a management method is critical before a professional can dig deeper into it to roll out a specific methodology flavor. The Agile Management movement is not for everyone. One of the main concepts that will stop many professionals in their tracks is the concept that co-workers and support staff must be treated like “adults”. When was the last time your manager treated you like an adult. Furthermore, some people can’t even define what an “adult” is. I have been asking that question in a number of presentations and getting some pretty interesting answers.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
“Going Green” with Microsoft SharePoint
- Paper production is the third most energy-intensive of all manufacturing industries in the U.S., according to Department of Energy statistics, and uses 11.5% of all energy in the industrial sector
- One third of all wood harvested in the U.S. is used for paper products
- Despite advances in the electronic age, paper use is on the rise — about one third of waste sent to municipal landfills is paper and packaging
- Web Front-End
- Application Server (Excel, Workflows, etc.)
- Indexing Service
- Search Service
- Central Administration
Thursday, April 16, 2009
What do Agile professionals look like in Enterprise companies?
Monday, April 13, 2009
Agile vs. PMI -- The Debate Continues
After reading "Agile: The Great Debate" I approached ASPE President David Mantica to get his thoughts on the article. Here is what he had to say...
It is great to hear some strong feedback from PMI about the implications of the Agile trend on the Project Management industry. Certainly PMI has developed the defecto standard for Project Management and as aspects of the PMBOK are being questioned by other methods and practices, it is important to hear how PMI sees the trends.
First thing to note, there is no right or wrong in this debt. The key in this trend is “HOT”. Meaning for some reason, professionals who see themselves doing project management work, whether in software development or other disciplines say for example Product Management or Product Marketing, are looking for something else. Right now, Agile is that something else.
I am most interested first in finding out why they are seeking something new, especially since the PMBOK has been in existence over 35 years. So why now? From what we are hearing from our customers the industry is changing faster then the PMBOK can be mapped to those changes.
Now the interesting thing, is that a first mover in anything new is not always the winner, just look at Microsoft. So I think there is a big opportunity in 2009 for one of two things to happen. One, PMI figures out the answer to my why question above and makes the necessary changes to the PMBOK to map to industry change.
Two, PMI doesn’t make the needed changes and one of the many current organizations or a start up organization answers fully the why question and starts to take their place as the “go to” source for leadership in the field of project management or off-shoot fields in software project management or some other industry specific project management techniques.
The growth of the Agile industry reminds me a lot of the Linux industry. Yes, one is a process and the other a specific software tool, but both developed because of critical industry needs that were not being met and both truly rely on a community for enhancement and evolution.
ASPE-SDLC will look deeper into the issues PMI has brought out in their fantastic posting. We hope we can help professionals better understand their options and the pros and cons of each.
**This post references "Agile: The Great Debate" post on PMI's Voices of Project Management which can be found at http://blogs.pmi.org/blog/voices_on_project_management/2009/04/agile-the-great-debate.html
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
PMBOK 4th Edition -- This Time It's Iterative
Friday, March 20, 2009
Calling all BA's...Take part in our Business Analyst Salary Survey
Participate in our Agile Salary Survey, co-sponsored by VersionOne
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Meet Stace Williams, our Business Analysis Curriculum Co-Developer
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Another Satisfied Customer -- Warren Dyer, PMP Certification Exam Boot Camp
To the ASPE team,As one who recently passed the PMP Certification Exam on the first attempt, I would like to say that my experience with ASPE’s PMP Exam Boot Camp was above and beyond what I had initially expected. So many products guarantee results, but this one delivered. Both the PMBOK Guide and the PMP Study Guide used in the course were exceptional tools, as were the handouts and examples provided by the instructor. His content delivery was clear and concise, with hands-on project management exercises that brought the PMP exam methodologies into sharp focus.Though a long time information technology project manager for the United States Air Force and the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, I still found the PMP Certification Exam to be extremely challenging. Anyone approved to sit for the exam should definitely avail themselves of the ASPE PMP Exam Boot Camp.Thank you!Warren Dyer, MS, PMPSenior Director, Telecommunication ServicesTexas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Friday, February 20, 2009
Follow Us On Twitter
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
SharePoint Open Forum. Limited Spots Available.
Our SharePoint expert, Mark Weinstein, will be at your complete disposal. Any question about SharePoint will be accepted. No question is too specific.
For just $99 you can participate in this 1-hour consultation with our SharePoint expert. We will address your organization and your question directly. This event will be presented in an open forum fashion, allowing you to present your specific questions directly to our SharePoint expert and curriculum developer.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Hands-On Mastering SharePoint Customization Course Complete

One of the benefits of implementing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 is the flexibility it offers to create custom solutions...but there’s a lot to know.
This lab-intensive three day program will help you zero in on customizing SharePoint’s look and feel, creating custom workflows, designing InfoPath forms, and accessing external data through the Business Data Catalog. You will create real-word workflow templates for SharePoint-based business solutions, and learn how to program against the SharePoint Workflow API.
Friday, January 9, 2009
LIVE Instructor Led Training over the Internet Introduced
ASPE SDLC Training is excited to offer you a new option in receiving our quality training. We now offer LIVE Instructor Led Training over the Internet utilizing Cisco’s WebEx technology. The great thing about this tool is that, while you attend via your computer, the voice side is done over a phone conference bridge, which greatly reduces the technical hurdle a learner has to take in attending a class. These virtual classes will use the same content as our classroom courses, and offer the same labs and breakout groups through WebEx’s technology. You get everything you would from our classroom course at a reduced price, while saving on travel time and costs.
We currently have 4 sessions scheduled, including 1 FREE pilot session. We have sent an email out to the ASPE database about the FREE session. If you did not receive that or want more information contact Shelley Koerber at skoerber@aspetech.com.
For more information on our LIVE Instructor Led Training over the Internet, visit http://www.aspe-sdlc.com/VCL.html.Friday, January 2, 2009
Our BA Curriculum Now Awards IIBA CDUs
We have been approved by the IIBA to award CDUs with our core Business Analysis classes. CDUs are the IIBA’s equivalent of the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) PDU. They will be used by the IIBA to quantify approved professional development activities, and will aid in the certification/re-certification process for the Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) certification offered by the IIBA.
Yearly CDU requirements have not yet been announced by the IIBA, but we now have 9 approved courses that will help get you on your way. Courses include, Business Analyst Fundamentals, The Business Analyst Boot Camp, Business Process Analysis & Design, Collaborating and Communicating Agile Requirements, The CBAP Certification Prep Boot Camp, and several others.
For more information and for a list of approved courses visit www.aspe-sdlc.com/iiba.html.